Balanced Rejuvenation

Gratitude and Greed

Balanced Rejuvenation

So it is time to talk about the things we should be grateful for….and the things that we need to change….

Hello everyone!  I hope you are all well…I appreciate all the feedback on my other posts.   Your responses and links to other sources really helps us all join in on this fight.

FIRST… I would like to say, that now that the President and his counsel have helped pave the way for less roadblocks as far a switching to Tele-medicine….We should be able to keep most of our appointments via phone, skype, or facetime.   So please know that I am continuing to keep your health/wellness as my primary focus no matter what.  If there is an acute problem that needs to be addressed in person, please call the office and we will discuss the best way to get you the BEST care possible.  In addition, we have spaced patient appointments out so we can sanitize extensively.   We sanitize everything each and every time someone walks in and out of the office.

So that being said, let’s talk about….


I am grateful for all of you being part of the Balanced Rejuvenation Community!   You have no idea how much you inspire me.  Many of you were there four years ago when I had my ribbon cutting ceremony and I relayed how I would NOT be part of “Assembly Line Medicine”.   I did not get into medicine to NOT get to know my patients.   During this stressful time….I’m grateful for the time I have gotten to spend with my son.  I’m grateful for my son for stepping up while I’m in patient calls and being mature enough to do his assignments and staying on course, even though this is obviously a different way of learning for him.   I’m grateful for my parents.  And that they are self-quarantining and being responsible about that.

I know there are a lot of things we can complain about right now…. And, before I complain about a few…LOL!   (There’s a greater purpose for it , so bear with me) …But I encourage you all to set aside a few moments each day to acknowledge something GOOD that is coming from this situation.   My son and I do a dinner prayer/affirmation type of thing.  We say what we are grateful for that day.   No matter where it fits into your day, please give it a try.  It helps to bring perspective.  Here are a few others:

1.  Laugh!  Find something silly to do/say with your family members.  I laughed with something my son was doing today and I can’t tell you the weight it took from my shoulders.   Try it!

2. Take time to engage!   If you are like me, there are so many things coming at you at once.   Unplug for at least a designated amount of time to “Play”.  Go outside, ride a bike, throw a ball, swim, etc.   Take advantage of this time and enjoy your loved ones.

3. Exercise!   Yesterday and the day before, I told you about Peloton’s 90 day free trial.   Whether you do that or You Tube programs, or your own routine… Exercise boosts immunity, reduces blood pressure,, cholesterol and releases endorphins…just to name a few benefits.  STRESS REDUCTION!  So important.   as I have said to many of you…”It’s the elephant in the room!”

4.  Sleep!  This is the number ONE way to replenish, regenerate and make sure we can handle what is ahead.  Sleep hygiene (ie: not falling asleep to the TV, computer) is vital.

5. Eat Right!  Boosting your immunity through food.  Food either harms or heals….We’ve known this for thousands of years.

Ok, switching gears…even though it is hard for me to do, since I love the message of all of the above…But it has to be done.


I realized after the last few days of speaking with patients and friends that most people do NOT know how health care providers are impacted right now.   COVID-19 spreads in so many ways.   We discussed before, respiratory droplet, being aerosolized, staying alive on surfaces and in air for VERY LONG TIMES.

Please imagine being a doctor, nurse, xray tech, medical assistant, receptionist, or any other person working on the front lines.   IMAGINE BEING THAT PERSON AND NOT HAVING THE PROTECTIVE GEAR YOU NEED!.  These front line providers are using bandannas and hand made cotton masks. (which do NOT completely protect them).   Furthermore, have you ever gotten a flu test?   It involves a nasal swab to spend a decent amount of time in each nostril…. Do you know what happens when one of these swabs are put in a nostril?  …. the patient sneezes or coughs…..just about 99% of the time.   And who gets covered in that?   The doctor or nurse who is trying to treat the patient with nothing but a bandanna on their face…..

At this time, our office has a few masks, but only because they were donated.  I have to test my patients and I can’t protect myself.  So I greatly empathize for those who are doing it exponentially more than I am in the ER’s and Urgent care.   They are supposed to change masks, eye protection, gowns, gloves, etc,  AFTER EACH PATIENT! So as to not spread the virus and to not be infected themselves.  I have heard people say, “That’s why they get into medicine, they asked for it”…We did not get into medicine to spread more disease, become sick ourselves, or the worse…spread it or become quarantined from our families.   Please understand that.   

So what I ask of you….If you have a supply of masks, isopropyl alcohol, gowns, hand sanitizer….etc….ANYTHING THAT THOSE OF US (ADMITTEDLY, ME LESS THAN THE OTHERS) NEED….PLEASE DONATE !!!..I see people daily walking down the street with masks on….I’m not trying to judge.  I’m not saying to leave yourself unprotected if you are at high risk or immunocompromised.   But if you have a whole stockpile of these things, PLEASE, PLEASE consider donating some of them to Hospitals.  Drop it off, send it…. It can be anonymous. No judgement.   Consider this…If these healthcare workers get COVID-19, who will take care of you or your loved ones?  There’s already a shortage of us taking this on.

Finally, I posted last night some potential treatments of interest.  President Trump discussed  these with the FDA in his press conferences yesterday.   I have been inundated with calls regarding getting the “malaria drugs”.   These are still being studied and are set aside for severe cases so far to be used “off label”.   Please understand that this is not a prophylactic treatment.  Please do not ask for a prescription unless you have been diagnosed or have at the very least , met criteria and are awaiting results. I am more than willing to write for whatever treatment that is indicated for any of my patients, but we cannot do what we did with the masks, toilet paper , etc.   We have to work as a community and be mindful that , while this virus will only be a bad cold for some of us, it is life threatening for others.   You may think that hospitals, doctor’s offices , etc have an unlimited supply of medications….but just like the masks….we don’t.  It already seems that our pharmacies are price gouging the medications.  Just take a look at the difference in cost from a month ago to now.  If you find this to be the case, please report them.. I don’t even know what to say… Well…I do….but…

Back to a brighter note….

I appreciate all of you!  If you have made it this far, thanks for reading.   I promise to work on shorter messages in the future…  But I want to make sure that everyone understands what we are facing.   Remember that we are all being impacted financially, socially, medically.   Stay home, be safe. Stay away from the family members who are still out and about (remember there can be a 2 week contagious period before symptoms)  Please let me know if you need anything!

“Let’s Remain Positive, Help our Own Immunity, Each Other’s Spirits and our Community”

In Health,

Dr. Ohms


Our Mission Statement: Integrating Traditional and Functional Medicine to PROMOTE WELLNESS, PREVENT DISEASE and AGING and to RESTORE VITALITY.



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