Balanced Rejuvenation

It’s January! Which Means… It’s Detox Season!

Is “Healthy” a part of your New Year Resolution list? …

Looking into ways to jumpstart your health goals but not sure what you should do? You hear everyone talk about doing a detox, but is it really worth it? Which detox is best? Wait, what even is a detox?!

Good ol’ Merriam-Webster defines a detox as “a regimen or treatment intended to remove toxins and impurities from the body”. In a nutshell, a detox is getting all the junk out of your body that doesn’t need to be there!

Fortunately, the body is a very self-sufficient, detoxifying machine that has built-in mechanisms to aid in riding itself of impurities. If you give your body what it needs most, nutrient dense foods, proper hydration, and adequate sleep, the body can use those things to detox and cleanse itself at its peak ability!
Foods high in the vital amino acids needed to aid in liver detoxification are found in animal proteins like eggs, seafood, beef, pork, poultry, and lamb. Sulfur-rich foods like eggs and animal proteins provide sulfur to the body, which is imperative for the breakdown of enzymes necessary in the detoxification process. Plant foods from the cruciferous and allium families like broccoli, kale, onions, cabbage, and radishes are also very sulfur-rich foods, and great aids in the body’s detoxification process.

As many people seem to focus on a “liver detox”, they often forget about the liver’s partners in crime – the kidneys! The kidneys are the liver’s sidekicks in the body’s detoxification and elimination processes. While the liver alters fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble compounds, the kidneys are responsible for filtering the water-soluble compounds and riding them from the body via urine. Your kidneys are working around the clock to ensure you’re getting rid of these unnecessary compounds, so maintaining healthy kidney function is crucial! Your kidneys stay healthy with proper hydration, therefore are able to detox and eliminate the unnecessary toxins at the best of their ability. Pay attention to your thirst! When you feel thirsty, drink water! If your urine is just ever so slightly yellow, you’re probably well hydrated – keep it up!

Last but not least, sleep! Although the body’s detoxification process is happening all the time, day and night, some of its processes are amplified during sleep. The brain has a special housekeeping system call the Lymphatic System that is predominantly active during sleep. The Lymphatic System is known to clear out the brain of unnecessary compounds that are known to be associated with illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease. As more and more research continues to affirm that the Lymphatic System works in overdrive during sleep, good quality sleep should definitely be on that priority list of yours!

Aside from the body’s innate ability to detoxify, cleanse, and eliminate itself, there are supplemental detoxification processes out there that can give your body an additional boost if medically necessary. Talk to Dr. Ohms about what detox aid is best for you and your body’s needs. To set your body up for success, try to find a detox that are free of GMOs, gluten, dairy, and lactose.

In all, to support your own healthy detox process, remember the basics! Focus on eating nutrient-rich, whole foods, stay well hydrated, get good quality sleep, and make time to exercise!

Contact Dr. Ohms at Balanced Rejuvenation to get more information on how to jumpstart your body into the healthier, happier version of YOU for the New Year!



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